CoCoFEST! 2022 Update, Time is Running Out

I hope everyone is having a great start to Spring this year. It’s nice to enjoy longer days and warmer weather. This also means that CoCoFEST! is getting closer. 2022 marks our 30th anniversary for the Annual “Last” Chicago CoCoFEST! If you have not made your travel plans or booked your vendor/exhibitor table, time is running out.


This is the first year that admission to CoCoFEST! will be FREE to attend. We’re hopeful this will both encourage more local folks to visit our event and potentially join Glenside. As always, if you would like to become a member of the Glenside Color Computer Club, we will be collecting membership dues at the Fest. Vendors and Exhibitors, note that your fees include a 2022 club membership. If you have any questions, or you would like to pay for the membership before CoCoFEST!, please contact Glenside Treasurer Eric Canales for assistance.


CoCoFEST! Will be held at the same location as last year. This is a larger venue from year’s past and it will provide us plenty of room to grow. If you have not booked your room yet, please do so as soon as possible. The cutoff date for the special rate of $99 a night plus tax will end at midnight (CDT) on April 29th. Please remember to use the group code “COF” when making your reservation.

COVID-19 Update

I have received a few emails about the vaccine and masks mandates in order to attend the event. I am happy to announce that there are NO masks or vaccine mandates at the hotel or to attend CoCoFEST!. Cook county lifted the health orders back on February 28th. If anything changes, I will post an update on the Glenside website and I will send an email to all registered vendors and attendees. I do NOT see this changing in the near future.


There is still time to register for dinner on Saturday night. The dinner will be catered by the hotel and it will be served as a buffet. There will be plenty of food for everyone to enjoy, but you MUST pre-register to ensure we have an accurate head count.  The dinner is only $20 a person, and dinner for kids 12 or younger is free. I must provide the head count to the hotel on May 6th, so we will end preregistration for the dinner on May 5th.

The Preliminary Menu

  • Two options from the following list:
    • Meatloaf
    • Chicken
    • Pork Loin
    • London Broil
    • Broiled Tilapia
  • One side from the following list:
    • Garlic Mashed Potatoes
    • Wild Rice
  • Seasonal Vegetables
  • Dinner Rolls
  • Dessert
  • Freshly brewed Coffee and Tea

Like last year, I will be sending an email to everyone who has preregistered for the dinner to provide feedback for which items that we want to be served. We need to choose two items for the main entrees. Also, if you need to request vegetarian/vegan meals, please contact Grant Leighty.


This year we had no problems finding people who wanted to give a presentation. I actually had to turn people down and offer them a spot in next year’s CoCoFEST!  This is a great problem to have, and I will be looking for ways to accommodate more speakers at future Fests. This year we will have seven speakers that will provide new products, new games, technical presentations, and podcasts. There will be something for everyone to enjoy.  Please check out the speakers bio and information.

2022 Speakers

  • CoCoCrew Podcast
  • D. Bruce Moore (New Game Announcement)
  • John Linville (De Re CoCo)
  • John Strong (New Product Announcements)
  • Ken Waters and L. Curtis Boyle (BASIC09 and GFX2 enhancements in NitrOS-9/EOU)
  • Kevin Phillipson (Turbo9 Project)
  • Paul Thayer (Developing Retro Games in the Modern Era)


Our new venue offers space for 62 sales or exhibit tables, and 34 vendors/exhibitors have reserved all but NINE (9) tables currently. If you’re considering showing off a project or offer items for sale, do not delay in visiting TandyList for your table(s) today. The first table is $20, and each additional table is $15.


We will have an auction again this year. Since we just had a CoCoFEST! just a few months ago, we are looking for donations. Please look around your house and see if you have any items that you may want to donate to the auction. If you are not able to attend this year’s CoCoFEST!, but you have items that you want to donate, please contact Grant Leighty. We are willing to pay for reasonable shipping fees.

We look forward to seeing everyone at this year’s 30th Anniversary of the “Last” Chicago CoCoFEST! We would still like to have everyone preregister at TandyList so we can keep the lines short at the registration tables. If you have any questions about CoCoFEST!, please contact Grant Leighty, CoCoFEST! Coordinator.  



CoCoFEST! now open for registration!

Hello everyone. We’re happy to announce we have opened up registration for CoCoFEST! 2022 in Elk Grove Village, IL. You can register now at

This year admission will be completely FREE for all guests! There is a small cost for vendors, which also includes a years membership with our club. For those who wish to attend and also be a contributing member to our club, you will have the option to both register to attend and pay your yearly dues if you wish online. In order to minimize lines at the door, we ask all attendees to register even if you are only attending. We’re excited to have you and can’t wait to see you all!

If you have any questions, concerns, or trouble with registration, please reach out to Randy Weaver for technical support, or Grant Leighty (CoCoFEST! coordinator) for anything else.

More information about CoCoFEST! 2022 can be found here.

Registration for CoCoFEST! 2022 vendors and attendees can be found here.


Now Signing Up For CoCoFest Presentations

If you would like to give a presentation at the 30th Annual “Last” Chicago CoCoFest, please contact the CoCoFest Organizer, Grant Leighty. We will try to accommodate everyone that wants to give a presentation this year. Please send an email to Grant Leighty at So we can finalize the schedule for CoCoFest, please send an email as soon as possible.


2020 Glenside Holiday Virtual Open House

As discussed at the November 2020 business meeting, Glenside will host an end of the year virtual open house on December 20th, starting at 6PM Central and lasting until folks get tired of chatting or December 21st rolls around, whichever comes first. Everyone with an interest in the CoCo is invited, and we’ll congregate using the club’s default BlueJeans conference call link. As with any open house, there’s no need to arrive strictly on time, as I’m sure we’ll be hanging out online for a few hours at least. Feel free to arrive when the mood strikes. Be sure to bring a good story about a CoCo hardware or software product you enjoyed in 2020, and a nice cold beverage to enjoy (and tell us about) during your visit. I hope to see all of you there.
