Countdown to CoCoFEST: T-6 Days

Though the Glenside Color Computer Club hails from the Chicago, IL area, it long ago stepped over city, state, and even country boundaries. With the advent of the Internet and most recently the need to virtualize club meetings, we now enjoy a global membership. The fest itself welcomes visitors from Louisiana to Ohio, North Carolina to Oregon, and many points in between. Beyond the USA, we welcome folks from Canada all the way to Columbia.

To illustrate our global reach at the fest, Fabian Rodriguez and Reinaldo Torres share how to CoCo in Columbia:


Countdown to CoCoFEST: T-7 Days

If you’re like me, you’re panicking a bit at this point, feverishly finishing up stuff before you pack for the show and leave. In actuality, it’s T-5 for me, since I’ll be arriving Thursday evening to help with setup and just general prep. If you are, stop, take a deep breath, and remember that we’ll enjoy your presence no matter the situation.

As John Mark and others have noted in the past, the official title is The <number> Annual “Last” Chicago CoCoFEST!, where <number> is nominally the number of years since the first Annual event in 1992, with a skip in 2020 we don’t talk about much :-). Though, to be pedantically correct, except for the number, pretty much the entire name of the show is a lie…

As noted, with the skip in 2020, the word “annual” probably should have a “*” by it, as a few folks have noted. But, ignoring that for a moment, except for the current fest, the word “Last” in all the previous show names are lies, as we have held another one a year later. Obviously, it’s a bit of CoCo inside humor. But, if we give a pass for everything shutting down a year, us included, and keep a bit of humor in the title, I posit even the name “CoCoFEST!” is a lie.

Why, you may ask? Well, though we do tend to see quite a few Color (Colour for our members up North) Computers, we also see CoCo-like machines such as the Dragon 64, the Z-80 based Tandy machines, some related products (like the MM/1), and our favorite little Tandy system, the MC-10. Talk about an underdog!

A number of our community cater to this tiny member of the family, including Brendan Donahe. Here is Brendan explaining some novel constraints around the Tandy MC-10 video system:

So, if you have a non-CoCo Tandy or Radio Shack computer (or even a clone), you’re part of our people!
