As of today, we’re less than 30 days away from the 31st Annual Last Chicago CoCoFEST! Like last year, admission is FREE! For those of you planning to attend in person or virtually, thanks for your support in allowing the Glenside Color Computer Club to hold this event; and I hope you are excited for the projects, presentations, and personal connections that truly embody the event. If you’re a presenter or preparing a demonstration, take heart! There’s still almost 30 days for you to finish debugging your project or slide show, designing your materials, and documenting all the items and aids you need to shuttle to the show!
As we count down the final month before CoCo and Tandy enthusiasts descend into the Chicago area (and set up for our virtual attendees), make sure we don’t mistake you for one of those Atarians or the Fruity Apple folks by jumping over to and grabbing one of the official CoCoFEST! T-shirts. Merch is also available, and every sales nets valuable proceeds that keep the show on future schedules.
If you’re not local to the greater Chicago metropolitan area, snag one of our block of hotel rooms at the Holiday Inn & Suites Chicago-Carol Stream before March 31. The group code is GCT (Glenside Color Technology? ). It’s probably also a good time to note that we’re moving this year to the Carol Stream Holiday Inn, which is newly renovated and is only a few miles from the Heron Pointe location (from I-355, you get off at the same exit as for Heron Pointe, but travel West instead of East. Fear not, Portillo’s is just down the road a few blocks from the new location, as is a host of other eating establishments (no driving out of an industrial zone to find food).
Once you have your attire and a place to crash, we’d love to host you at our Saturday evening dinner buffet, as we’ve done in the past. Don’t wait too long to secure your spot at the table; we have to let the venue know a final attendee count by April 14. Regular, vegetarian, vegan, and special request plated meals are also available. Please let us know when you purchase.
The “No Minimum Bid Auction” is back again this year, having inspired other events over the course of the many years we’ve held it. Jason Timmons (of VCF-Midwest fame, among other pursuits) will once again step in as auctioneer. The past few years have yielded an overabundance of interesting auction items, and this year is no different. Of course, cash is king, but we’re prepared to handle credit cards and other electronic payment options. That said, we cannot be responsible for breaking the news to friends and family of your plethora of purchases.
I would like to take a moment to thank Retro Rewind for graciously helping to sponsor this year’s show. If you or your business would like to help sponsor the show, there is still time. Please contact Grant Leighty, 2023 CoCoFEST! Coordinator. Speaking of Grant, be sure to grab him and thank him for handling all of the details inherent in holding our show. As well, thanks to Tony Podraza, coordinator emeritus, who is providing an assist.
In year’s past, we’ve enjoyed live or recorded podcasts and videocasts and this year continues with Amigos Retro Gaming planning a live CoCo-themed broadcast during the show. They’ll be doing so as part of our packed weekend of scheduled presentations and live events, as noted on the show schedule. Frank Linhares of Retro Rewind will present our keynote, with additional presentations by Fred Provoncha, L. Curtis Boyle, Ken Waters, and John Strong. As in year’s past, the late night Jam session is once again on (BYOI – bring your own instrument), while Brian Schubring will kick off both show days off with national anthems.
When you’re not perusing the auction items, soaking up material from our presentations, or enjoying Amigos Retro Gaming during their broadcast, please focus attention on our 3800 sq ft show floor. As of today, 48 of the 49 exhibitor tables are sold. No matter your specific interest, you can find it among the projects, products, parts, as well as software, systems, and storage available at the show. The show floor is a great place to grab great purchase deals, request impromptu demonstrations, and enjoy impassioned discussions with project developers. And, if you’re wanting that one remaining table, it’s available for purchase at our table registration site.
Though show admission is free, please consider joining or renewing your Glenside Color Computer Club membership. It’s only $15.00/year. And, if you’d like more detail on any aspect of the show, please visit our show web site at