Glenside Leadership Nominations

At our next business meeting, we will likely accept nominations for secretary, treasurer, vice-president, and president.

If you want to run for office, you will need to get your name put up for a nomination.

One way is to have a friend nominate you, and then you can accept or reject the offer.

It is good to vote out the incumbents. I think we all could use a break.

You can bring new ideas and new energy.

You can suggest we hold a CoCoFEST! in Hawaii; Kokomo Island; Kokomo, Indiana; Hurricane, Virginia; or Niagara Falls.

You can suggest that we hold the CoCoFEST! on the same day as “Talk Like a Pirate Day!”

You can let all Motorola 6809 microprocessor assembly language programmers have free admission to the CoCoFEST! for life.

So, I want to encourage you to start planning.

You may want to volunteer to write an article, investigate low-cost venues, plan picnics, do research and such, then go for it. How about a picnic in your back yard? How about a outing? How about a mini-CoCoFEST! How about a TRS-80 MC-10 FEST! at the library in Elgin, IL or West Dundee, IL?

If you have a good reliable internet, smartphone, or regular phone service, then you can attend the meetings remotely. If you do not, then now you have a reason to upgrade your service.

John Mark Mobley (Vice-President of Glenside Color Computer Club, Inc.)
