Glenside Club Meeting: Thursday August 3, 2023 @ 7:30PM Central

With Summer coming to a close, I hope all enjoyed the past few months post CoCoFEST! Fall brings with it VCF-Midwest and Tandy Assembly, where the CoCo has been well represented for some time. As well, we want to take some time this month to finalize plans for the 2023 Glenside Fall Picnic. If you’re in the Chicago area or will be passing through and would like to join us, all are welcome!

Please join us this Thursday. We will open the call a bit early at a new time: 7:00PM.

Meeting Agenda:

To join the Meeting

Meeting ID: 827 9736 7585
Passcode: GCCC

One tap mobile

+13126266799,,82797367585#,,,,*686821# (Chicago)

Meeting ID: 827 9736 7585
Passcode: 686821
Find your local number:

Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.

For those unable to join us on Zoom or have prior commitments, we will livestream and have a replay available on our Facebook page ( and our YouTube channel (
