Glenside Club Meeting: Thursday April 15, 2021 @ 7:30PM

It’s less than 7 months until The 29th “Last” Chicago CoCoFEST! 2021, and things are continuing to trend in positive ways. We’ll get an update on the club’s 501(c)3 non-profit status submission, share more information on the April 24th Glenside Virtual Spring Fest, share details on the GCCC “mascot” ideas, and take up any new member business.

To join the Meeting:

You can call in: Phone Dial-in
+1.408.740.7256 (United States)
+1.408.317.9253 (Alternate number) (Global Numbers)
Meeting ID: 889 394 355
Room System: or

Want to test your video connection?

Prior to the formal business meeting at 7:30PM Central, we’ll be enjoying a time of demonstrations and discussion. This month, given the recent newsletter coverage of the software package, Robert Swoger and John Mark Mobley will be demonstrating more features of LogiCall. If you’d like to show a project you’re working on, please consider joining us starting at 6:30PM.
