A heartfelt thanks to everyone who participated in some way at the 30th Annual “Last” Chicago CoCoFEST! We had a packed exhibit hall, full presentation schedule, lots of foot traffic, and a fun but not overly hectic “No Minimum Bid Auction”.
Show Results
I’ll update these numbers if modifications are needed, but here’s some potentially useful statistics on the 2022 show:
- 39 Exhibitors/Vendors
- 60 (of 62 total available) Exhibitor/Vendor tables in use
- 112 Attendees
- 65 Dinner reservations
With the 2022 show being free admission, we relied on table reservations, dinner reservations, and the auction proceeds to fully fund the show. Since this was the first time admission would be free and the abbreviated timeframe between the 2021 and 2022 shows (~6 months, which could affect auction donations or attendance or both), I am pleased to report the following financial statistics:
- Dinner: $1320.00
- Tables: $1095.00 (tables were $20 for 1st, $15 for rest)
- Auction: $2364.00 (50 auction lots sold)
- Dues: $420.00 (28 attendee memberships. All 1st tables also receive a bundled membership, which means 28+39 = 67 total memberships purchased at the show)
Thus, total 2022 gross proceeds totaled $5199.00!
For 2022, the venue costs went up a bit, to $3507.44 (compared to 3048.17 in November 2021), with net proceeds totaling $1691.56.
As Tony would say in his yearly CoCoFEST! address: “Will there be another ‘LAST’ CoCoFEST!? Yes, there most surely will be!”
A month or so back, Grant and I looked at the 2023 calendar for suitable dates, and I mapped out the dates that had been most often selected for previous fests. For reference, here are the insights:

In general, weeks #16-20 get most of the love, which translates into 4/22/2023 to 5/21/2023. We selected the mid-May date in 2022 to try to get at least 6 months in between fests, but it seems best to move the date a bit earlier as in years past. Thus, for 2023, we’re working to secure 4/22-4/23 (week 16) as the 2023 show dates. I’ve verified Vintage Computer Festival – East does not conflict (they are scheduled the week prior), but we’re waiting on Midwest Gaming Classic dates, as we borrow some equipment used for that show, and thus preferably want to avoid conflicts. Our backup date is the following weekend. For 2024, week #18 is May 4th weekend, which I thought would be nice for a space theme if desired, but it’s too early to schedule that date.
Grant will be sending out a survey in a bit so folks can share their perspectives on the fest, but early response has been positive. Of things noted in 2021, the dessert shared with with the catered dinner was much better in 2022, we did leave more time between presentations, and kudos to those who suggested the hot cocoa station, as it was both on brand and well utilized. I know Grant’s going to push the Sunday start back, since 8:30 came a bit early for most this year (which is fine, why not enjoy Saturday night/Sunday morning!)
Pics Or It Didn’t Happen!
I curated some photos from the places I found them. If you’d prefer one not be in the gallery, let me know.