Glenside Club Meeting: Thursday August 19, 2021 @ 7:30PM

I hope everyone stepped away from your Color Computer 1 chicklet keyboard long enough to enjoy the Summer weather, especially as some of us now hunker down for the Fall, especially as school discussions now fill the air. We’ll all have to adapt to younger children returning to school, young adults navigating college, and many of us needing to adjust to that part of the year when Summer help leaves and businesses start closing earlier.

While I am rather glad my principal educational career has long ago completed, I do try to stay engaged on new developments all over the spectrum. And, with the continued challenges in the world encouraging hobbies and projects that focus on individual contributions, I’m eager to see all of the developments the CoCo community has kept under wraps for the past year or so. Some have been unveiled, but I think others will make their appearance at shows like the 2021 CoCoFEST!

Speaking of the show, we’re less than 3 months away from congregating in the Chicago area for some community and collaboration. It’ll be the first year in our new venue, and I do hope you’ll consider joining us, if you can. I know politics intrude in the hobby at times, but I hope a majority of our membership (and visitors) can join us to belatedly celebrate the Color Computer’s 40th anniversary.

Even as we focus on the 2021 show, we’re making plans for our 2022 show in mid-May next year. I’m sure that will present its own specific challenges, but we’ll rise to them as well!

We’re fast approaching the general vintage computing festival period, with shows like the Vintage Computer Festival Southeast occurring this weekend, VCF Midwest kicking off in September, followed by Tandy Assembly and VCF East in October, and CoCoFEST! in November. For those of us attending multiple shows, it’ll be a wild few months of activity.

Please join us this Thursday, August 19th, to get updates on the club and activities. And, if you’re interested in more social perspectives, please consider joining the call at 6:30PM Central (1 hour prior). It’s a great opportunity to visit with far flung members, watch some demonstrations, hear about projects, and just enjoy some humor.

To join the Meeting:

You can call in: Phone Dial-in
+1.408.740.7256 (United States)
+1.408.317.9253 (Alternate number) (Global Numbers)
Meeting ID: 889 394 355
Room System: or

Want to test your video connection?

For those unable to join us for the meeting, we hope to have a replay available on our Facebook page ( to help you catch up.

Prior to the formal business meeting at 7:30PM Central, we’ll be enjoying a time of demonstrations and discussion. If you’d like to show a project you’re working on, please consider joining us starting at 6:30PM.


Glenside Club Meeting: Thursday July 15, 2021 @ 7:30PM

Months that start on a Thursday always mess up my announcement timing, and I apologize for the late notice. I trust no one will be completely blindsided by the upcoming meeting. They come regularly, like clockwork, though you’d think I’d put a reminder on the calendar to ensure I didn’t get surprised by the date.

It’s roughly 4 months until our November in-person CoCoFEST! In fact, webmaster Eric Canales placed a countdown timer on the main web page showing the time left before show opening on Saturday morning. Project and presentation creation time grows short, but excitement builds as we count down to our first in-person show since April 2019. As I noted at the last meeting and in the recent newsletter, I’m eager to share this new venue with attendees, as I think it offers even more community and collaboration options than Heron Point.

Along with some more discussion around the upcoming show, we should start thinking about the 2022 show schedule and the options. As well, I’d like to gauge interest in a Q3 physical or virtual get together. In years past, the annual picnic/cookout happened in this quarter, though other options are also possible. Obviously, not everyone can drop by the Chicago area in the next few months, but perhaps a physical party with a virtual component might be of interest.

I hope everyone received the most recent club newsletter. I continue to revel in the work folks put into the quarterly publication, and I hope you found at least something of interest in the latest issue. As always, Steve his team eagerly appreciate submissions by our membership. No writeup is too small!

Please join us this Thursday, July 15th, to get updates on the club and activities. And, if you’re interested in more social perspectives, please consider joining the call at 6:30PM Central (1 hour prior). It’s a great opportunity to visit with far flung members, watch some demonstrations, hear about projects, and just enjoy some humor.

To join the Meeting:

You can call in: Phone Dial-in
+1.408.740.7256 (United States)
+1.408.317.9253 (Alternate number) (Global Numbers)
Meeting ID: 889 394 355
Room System: or

Want to test your video connection?

Prior to the formal business meeting at 7:30PM Central, we’ll be enjoying a time of demonstrations and discussion. If you’d like to show a project you’re working on, please consider joining us starting at 6:30PM.
