Congratulations to the Glenside Color Computer Club 2022-23 Officers!

Just a quick note to welcome Brian Wieseler as the 2022-23 GCCC Secretary, alongside myself, John Mark Mobley, and Eric Canales returning in our respective positions. Thanks for everyone who has attended our meetings, enjoyed CoCoFEST!, and/or participated in our Facebook discussion. With a new venue for our 2023 CoCoFEST!, hopes are high for an excellent upcoming year of CoCo!


GCCC Secretary Position Open

Our 2021-22 Glenside Secretary Brian Goers has requested to step down from this position due to other commitments. We thank Brian for his help as previous Treasurer and now Secretary and pledge to find someone to fill the remainder of Brian’s officer term. If you or someone you know can assist the club in noting meeting minutes, please reach out to any of the club officers.
