Glenside Club Meeting: Thursday June 16, 2022 @ 7:30PM Central

Note new videoconferencing links below!

I would like to once again thank all of the attendees (physical and virtual), exhibitors, vendors, presenters, and staff who helped make the 2022 Glenside “Last” Chicago CoCoFEST! a success. I heard some folks exclaim it was the most fun fest they’ve attended in a long time, which is heartening. I’d also like to give a shot out to Jason Timmons, our auctioneer (and VFC-Midwest organizer) as well as Michael Lee (VCF-Midwest organizer), who both graciously allowed the use of VCF-Midwest items like power strips and audio video equipment to help put on our show.

Even though it is still early, there’s no better time to start planning the 2023 event. Especially right now, when memories are still fresh, we’d love to take some time before, during or after our June business meeting to gather both comments and concerns in order to bring everyone improvements next year.

We’ve heard mainly room concerns (one time and re-occurring security key system issues, as well as A/C issues), with more praise given to the conference venue (dance floor issues notwithstanding). As some are aware, the hotel management changed a mere 2 weeks prior to our event, which no doubt played a role. In any event, we can’t fix what we don’t know about, and we can’t ensure the positives are kept unless folks let us know. So, please feel free to send any of the officers your thoughts, come to this month’s discussion and offer your perspective, or catch one of us after the meeting.

I know Summer is imminent, which means potentially less time to enjoy your classic computing hobby. Still, while you grab some sun and/or travel this season, I hope you stay plugged in and up to date on the hobby as well as find a few minutes to play a new game or two (Paul Shoemaker just released “Ghost Rush” in the past few days, to get you started, and I know Nick Marentes has just finished a few.)

We will open the call early at 6:30PM as in previous months, for some time to catch up and say hello to new faces.

Meeting Agenda: (

To join the Meeting

Meeting ID: 957 2367 2795
Passcode: GCCC

One tap mobile

+13126266799,,95723672795#,,,,478869# US (Chicago)

Meeting ID: 957 2367 2795
Passcode: 478869
Find your local number:

Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.

For those unable to join us on Zoom or have prior commitments, we will livestream and have a replay available on our Facebook page ( and our YouTube channel (


CoCoFEST! 2022 Is a Wrap!

A heartfelt thanks to everyone who participated in some way at the 30th Annual “Last” Chicago CoCoFEST! We had a packed exhibit hall, full presentation schedule, lots of foot traffic, and a fun but not overly hectic “No Minimum Bid Auction”.

Show Results

I’ll update these numbers if modifications are needed, but here’s some potentially useful statistics on the 2022 show:

  • 39 Exhibitors/Vendors
  • 60 (of 62 total available) Exhibitor/Vendor tables in use
  • 112 Attendees
  • 65 Dinner reservations

With the 2022 show being free admission, we relied on table reservations, dinner reservations, and the auction proceeds to fully fund the show. Since this was the first time admission would be free and the abbreviated timeframe between the 2021 and 2022 shows (~6 months, which could affect auction donations or attendance or both), I am pleased to report the following financial statistics:

  • Dinner: $1320.00
  • Tables: $1095.00 (tables were $20 for 1st, $15 for rest)
  • Auction: $2364.00 (50 auction lots sold)
  • Dues: $420.00 (28 attendee memberships. All 1st tables also receive a bundled membership, which means 28+39 = 67 total memberships purchased at the show)

Thus, total 2022 gross proceeds totaled $5199.00!

For 2022, the venue costs went up a bit, to $3507.44 (compared to 3048.17 in November 2021), with net proceeds totaling $1691.56.


As Tony would say in his yearly CoCoFEST! address: “Will there be another ‘LAST’ CoCoFEST!? Yes, there most surely will be!”

A month or so back, Grant and I looked at the 2023 calendar for suitable dates, and I mapped out the dates that had been most often selected for previous fests. For reference, here are the insights:

(I put in the scheduled 2020 date, even though the fest was cancelled in 2020)

In general, weeks #16-20 get most of the love, which translates into 4/22/2023 to 5/21/2023. We selected the mid-May date in 2022 to try to get at least 6 months in between fests, but it seems best to move the date a bit earlier as in years past. Thus, for 2023, we’re working to secure 4/22-4/23 (week 16) as the 2023 show dates. I’ve verified Vintage Computer Festival – East does not conflict (they are scheduled the week prior), but we’re waiting on Midwest Gaming Classic dates, as we borrow some equipment used for that show, and thus preferably want to avoid conflicts. Our backup date is the following weekend. For 2024, week #18 is May 4th weekend, which I thought would be nice for a space theme if desired, but it’s too early to schedule that date.


Grant will be sending out a survey in a bit so folks can share their perspectives on the fest, but early response has been positive. Of things noted in 2021, the dessert shared with with the catered dinner was much better in 2022, we did leave more time between presentations, and kudos to those who suggested the hot cocoa station, as it was both on brand and well utilized. I know Grant’s going to push the Sunday start back, since 8:30 came a bit early for most this year (which is fine, why not enjoy Saturday night/Sunday morning!)

Pics Or It Didn’t Happen!

I curated some photos from the places I found them. If you’d prefer one not be in the gallery, let me know.


Glenside Club Meeting: Thursday April 21, 2022 @ 7:30PM Central

Note new videoconferencing links below!

I would like to take this opportunity to thank in advance all of the folks who are working diligently to prepare for our our upcoming CoCoFEST! event. As a past attendee, it can be easy to take for granted all of the hard work folks put in to ensure the fest happens and happens well.

There’s been multiple committee meetings, the most recent discussing things as varied as:

  • Door prize tickets (make sure you stop by the admission booth to get your ticket!)
  • Auction logistics (last year’s auctioneer Jason Timmons has graciously agreed to run the auction again this year)
  • Attendee badges (Salvador Garcia’s design includes space for two lines of text, a name and vendor/exhibitor/officer information)
  • Video feeds (we’ll have both an exhibit floor feed and a presentation feed, via our YouTube and Facebook pages)

Obviously, CoCoFEST! Coordinator Grant Leighty has been principal in ensuring all the tasks are identified cand completed, with assists from TandyList maintainer Randy Weaver, Treasurer Eric Canales concerning fest fees, Tony Podraza handling bookkeeping, and Rich Bair supporting admissions. Many thanks to all of them and the remainder of the coordination committee for the work they are doing.

Let’s not forget the host (7!) of speakers for this year’s event. It’s nice to have both a mix of well known and relative newcomers as well a mix of topics that should include something of interest for everyone. I appreciate D. Bruce Moore, John Linville, L. Curtis Boyle, John Strong, CoCo Crew, Paul Thayer, Ken Waters, and Kevin Phillipson taking the time to prepare and present at the show. We could put on a fest without speakers and presentations, but I don’t think it would be nearly as fun or engaging.

Whether it be pre-enjoyed or new, we also appreciate the myriad of products offered by vendors taking time from their busy schedules to man a table or 3. I hope everyone leaves with a new item for the hobby from one of our vendors.

I’ll give a shout out to Jason Timmons for conducting the No Minimum Bid Auction with humor and wit. I think the banter makes the auction even more enjoyable, even for those who successfully keep their bidding hand in their lap.

Finally, thanks to those who will be joining us in less than 4 weeks either in person in Elk Grove or virtually via the Internet. The interest and engagement you provide motivates the planning committee, the speakers, the vendors, and the club to put in the work to make the event happen. Never underestimate how much just enjoying the event means to those who sell, exhibit, speak, or otherwise handle show functions.

This month’s meeting will no doubt focus on the fest. Last minute items to discuss, questions to answer, and any financial details to share. We’d love for you to join. Given our recent registration as a non -profit, we’ve been able to secure some additional discounts on technologies we use to run the club and the fest, which means we’re switching from BlueJeans videoconferencing to Zoom. Note the new link below.

We will open the call early at 6:30PM as in previous months, for some time to catch up and say hello to new faces.

Meeting Agenda (

To join the Meeting

Meeting ID: 957 2367 2795
Passcode: GCCC

One tap mobile

+13126266799,,95723672795#,,,,478869# US (Chicago)

Meeting ID: 957 2367 2795
Passcode: 478869
Find your local number:

Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.

For those unable to join us on Zoom or have prior commitments, we will livestream and have a replay available on our Facebook page ( and our YouTube channel (


Virtual Meeting Updates

While the club has utilized the BlueJeans video conferencing solution for a few years to hold virtual portions of our club meetings, we now have access to less expensive options (via discounts for non-profit organizations) including Zoom. Thus, starting for our April 2022 business meeting, we’ll be sending out a new video conferencing link directing folks to Zoom.

For those who would like to validate you have things configured correctly, we’ll be hosting a “test” meeting this Thursday at our normal 7:30 start time. Feel free to join for a bit and say Hi and test your system.

Jim Brain (GCCC ’22 President) is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: GCCC Zoom Video Test
Time: Apr 14, 2022 07:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 992 4903 2946
Passcode: glenside
One tap mobile
+13017158592,,99249032946#,,,,82591145# US (Washington DC) +13126266799,,99249032946#,,,,82591145# US (Chicago)

Dial by your location
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 992 4903 2946
Passcode: 82591145
Find your local number:


Non Profit 501(c)(3) Status Official!

While the Glenside Color Computer Club has always operated as a not-for-profit group, our constitution and by-laws state that we will be a federally recognized non-profit organization as defined by the Internal Revenue Service 501(c)(3) guidelines. Though the club was organized long ago, it had never filed the paperwork to officially be so recognized.

Before everyone gets concerned, this will not significantly affect club operations. Namely:

  • The club is prohibited from campaigning for political parties or candidates. I don’t think we’ve ever done so.
  • We have already been filing the postcard-sized 990-N federal tax return required by non-profit organizations receiving less that $50K gross annual receipts. We will simply continue to do so.
  • The club must keep financial records. We do this but were already working to mature our record keeping. The status creates another incentive to do so and report to the membership yearly financials.

This does, however, mean that fair market value of club donations can be deducted from the donor’s personal taxes. I don’t think folks were previously withholding donations from the club, but this provides just a bit more incentive. For donations over $250.00 (which could be common, given the current value of Color Computer items), a receipt must be provided to claim a deduction.

Many thanks goes to Rich Bair, our long time secretary, for pushing for this status and performing the early leg work involved. Thanks also to Brian Goers, current secretary, for arranging legal help on this matter.

For the record, the tax exempt status went into effect as of March 31, 2021, so it appears we can create receipts for many 2021 donations if folks want to claim on their 2021 taxes. Also, for what it is worth, 501(c)(3) organizations are classified as either public charities or foundations, and the IRS has classified us as a public charity.


Fall 2021 Newsletter out!

The Fall 2021 edition of CoCo~123 newsletter is now available for your reading pleasure!

Our apologies for the delay. We want to thank Steve Strowbridge for handling newsletter duties recently, as Steve has stepped down as editor. Since the Fall newsletter was almost complete, I asked if he could finish it up so we could share the great work with all our members. Comments and feedback are always appreciated.

We are on the lookout for a newsletter editor. If you’d like to help with our flagship periodical, please reach out to one of the club officers.


Glenside Club Meeting: Thursday February 17, 2022 @ 7:30PM Central

Are you showing your Color Computer some love on this Valentine’s Day holiday?

Our CocoFEST! Coordinator Grant Leighty is hitting his stride. After previously noting the hotel reservations are open, he and Randy Weaver have prepped and opened admission and table registrations this month. Solicitations for presenters (as I recall, slots are almost full) and donations (any exciting unused CoCo peripherals hiding in your home?) have been made, and Grant’s getting artwork prepped for banners and badges. For all your CoCoFEST! Information needs, see here:

We will open the call early at 6:30PM as in previous months for some time to catch up and say hello to new faces.

Meeting Agenda (

To join the Meeting:

You can call in: Phone Dial-in
+1.408.740.7256 (United States)
+1.408.317.9253 (Alternate number) (Global Numbers)
Meeting ID: 889 394 355
Room System: or

Want to test your video connection?

For those unable to join us on BlueJeans or have prior commitments, we will livestream and have a replay available on our Facebook page ( and our Youtube channel (


Glenside Club Meeting: Thursday January 20, 2022 @ 7:30PM Central

In spite of the challenges 2021 offered, lots of folks “made lemonade from lemons” in the Color Computer community. To all of you, thanks. We can always hope 2022 offers fewer obstacles but retains the great vintage computing output.

2022 begins the planning activities for the 30th Annual Glenside “Last” CoCoFEST!, and the room block is open already. For those looking to share your project or products with a table or 2, registration should be open by end of the month. Grant is also soliciting for presentations for the show, to be held May 14/15, 2022. More details are at . As always, we hope to see you there.

This month, we’ll provide an update both on show planning and also the 501c(3) application progress. Let me know if other topics should be discussed.

We will open the call early at 6:30PM as in previous months for some time to catch up and say hello to new faces.

Meeting Agenda (

Treasurer’s Report (

To join the Meeting:

You can call in: Phone Dial-in
+1.408.740.7256 (United States)
+1.408.317.9253 (Alternate number) (Global Numbers)
Meeting ID: 889 394 355
Room System: or

Want to test your video connection?

For those unable to join us on BlueJeans or have prior commitments, we will livestream and have a replay available on our Facebook page ( and our Youtube channel (


Glenside Club Meeting: Thursday December 16, 2021 @ 7:30PM Central

I hope everyone is gearing up for an awesome CoCo Holiday Season. Have you decided on a new hardware peripheral or a recently released game or utility for your system? If not, as they say, there is still time!

From a club perspective, December represents the calm before the storm. Though efforts have already begun, January will see Grant Leighty (our new CoCoFEST Coordinator) focus his efforts on our 2022 30th Anniversary event. I know Grant is looking for volunteers and ideas, so please go to our show page ( to help and offer suggestions. While we have not officially opened the exhibit and speaker reservations, the room block is open for reservations, so consider grabbing a room before the rush!

I know we just completed our 29th anniversary show in November, and the holiday season is upon us, but I’m hoping to schedule another holiday virtual open house before the year ends. Stay tuned for more details. As before, it will be come as you are, where you are, no preparation needed.

We will open the call early at 6:30PM as in previous months for some time to catch up and say hello to new faces.

We have a few business items on the agenda, though I am happy to add items of discussion interest.

Meeting Agenda (

Treasurer’s Report (

To join the Meeting:

You can call in: Phone Dial-in
+1.408.740.7256 (United States)
+1.408.317.9253 (Alternate number) (Global Numbers)
Meeting ID: 889 394 355
Room System: or

Want to test your video connection?

For those unable to join us on BlueJeans or have prior commitments, we will livestream and have a replay available on our Facebook page ( and our Youtube channel (
